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Political Jokes: Obama and the Saudis

Obama and the Saudis

Barack Obama gets away to Hawaii for a weekend of walking on water. The moment his copter touches down on the beach, he throws off his jacket, tie, shirt, and shoes; rolls up his pant legs, and runs into the surf.

Just then an aide runs up: -Mr. President! There\'s a delegation from Saudi Arabia here to see you! They want to know when you\'re gonna pay back the money they lent for The Bailout!

- Can\'t you tell them something, to get rid of them?

- I tried, Sir, but they insist on seeing you personally.

Barrack H The One mutters a word you won\'t find in the Bible, puts on his shirt, tie, jacket, and starts off down the beach with his pant legs still rolled up.

The aide struggles to catch up with Him:

- Uh, Mistah President, You oughtta... umm... lower your pants...

Obama stops in his tracks and shouts:

- Just how much do we owe them?!

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