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Misc Jokes: The Aggie and the Gorilla

The Aggie and the Gorilla

A man in Texas had a pet gorilla for several years, and finally it got too difficult to take care of, so the man was taking it to donate it to the zoo. Well, on his way to the zoo, the man had a flat tire. He had an important meeting in a little while and this flat tire was going to throw everything off schedule.

So he is in the process of changing the tire on his pickup truck, when a Texas Aggie (someone who attends Texas A & M University, an agricultural college) pulls up in a little blue Volkswagen and offers to help with the tire.

The businessman says, "Well, I have the tire under control but I'm going to be late for a meeting. If you really wanted to help, do you think you could take this gorilla to the zoo for me?" The Aggie says sure! and they pile the gorilla into the VW and off they go. The businessman finishes with the tire and off he goes.

Well, a couple of days later, the businessman in the truck sees the Aggie driving the little blue VW. He thinks he will pull him over and thank him again, and as he approaches he is astonished to see that the gorilla is still in the Volkswagon!! So he chases them down and tells the Aggie, "Hey, I thought you were taking this gorilla to the zoo for me!" The Aggie says, "Yeah, we had such a good time at the zoo, now we're going to Six Flags!"

Sent by : Lorraine
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