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Misc Jokes: Mexican or Mexican''t

Mexican or Mexican''t

A Mexican walks into a bakery and asks, "Excuse me, may I have a bum, please?" The baker laughs and says, "Oh, you must mean a bun, sure, here you go." The Mexican next goes to the hardware store. He asks the clerk, "Excuse me, can I get a fucket here?" The clerk laughs and says, "Oh, you must mean a bucket. Of course!" The Mexican then goes to a pet shop. He asks the manager, "May i have a Cockandspankit?" The manager laughs and says. "I think i misunderstood you, you must mean a Cockerspaniel. On his way home, the Mexican loses the leash on his dog. The Mexican frantically runs after it and yells at a woman and asks, "Can you please hold my bum and fuck it, while I go get my cock and spank it?"

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