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Blonde Jokes - Joke List

You Might Be A Blonde... Thesaurus2263
You Might Be A Blonde... Thesaurus2024
Why did the blonde put makeup on her ...1926
Why did the blonde go up on top...1880
Why did the blonde go up on top...2040
Why did the blonde get fired...1931
Who Let The Blondes Out?1919
What's the difference between a blonde...1911
What's the difference between a blonde...1762
What's blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette...1803
What's blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette...1876
What do you call a blonde with a dollar ...1763
What did the blonde say when she walked into the bar?2004-11-155795
What did the blonde say after ...1951
Upside Down Blonde1820
Upside Down Blonde1969
Two Things About a Blonde1891
Two brunettes and a blonde...1806
Two brunettes and a blonde...2250
Two Blondes on thier Way to Disneyland1899
Two blondes are walking down a road...2069
Two blondes are shopping at the mall...1750
Two Blondes and Two Mice1875
Two Blondes and Two Mice1769
Two Blondes and a Lake1791


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