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Blonde Jokes - Joke List

Blondes and grenades2008-05-113003
Blondes Bad Day2007-04-042154
Blondes Bad Day2007-02-212260
Parking for blonde women2006-08-0226464
Blonde Paint Job2006-05-183192
10 Blondes and 1 Brunette2006-05-0812143
Blondes and Beer Bottles2006-05-082950
Dumb Blondes Frozen2006-04-092501
Blonde paddaling2006-04-043064
If a Sumo fighter and a blonde jumped...2004-11-237494
How do you kill a blonde?2004-11-155863
What did the blonde say when she walked into the bar?2004-11-155795
How do you get a one-armed blonde out of a tree?2004-11-155994
A blonde goes into a bar2004-11-048352
Blonde panties2004-06-252761
Blind, Blonde, & Ballsy2358
A Blonde, the Beach, and...Beer?5858
Blonde Mating Call2084
One-Eyed Blonde1863
Blondes and Turtles1687
Blondes and cow patties1827
Blonde Test2177
Blonde and Prawn3651
Blonde and Goldfish2038
How does a blonde try to kill a fish?2011


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