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Lawyer Jokes - Joke List

The Hit and Run Case1803
Q. How many lawyer jokes are there?1907
The pope and a lawyer are on the elevator...1971
What's the difference between a dead lawer ...2019
Pops the Question1824
A man's logic5182
A Greater Insult5847
A Fashion Sense5651
747 Full of Lawyers5456
A Few Good Lawyers5445
A Lawyer and A Politician4910
An Honest Lawyer4675
What happens when a lawyer takes Viagra...2159
It was so cold today I saw a lawyer with his ...1994
New Improved Lawnmowers1868
Improvements in Hell2317
Shark Attack2008
Justice Prevailed2339
Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands1889
How many lawyers does it take to change a...2134
A good lawyer knows the law a great lawyer ...5556
What Did A Lawyer Name His ...2190
There was this lawyer who drove his shiny ...1931
A very successful lawyer parked his...6088


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