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Political Jokes - Joke List

Yo mama's so stupid...2053
With Andy Rooney2014
Windows 6662157
Whose Son is He?1961
Whitehouse Parrot1911
White, Slimy, & Horny1786
White House Visitors1864
White House Synonyms1781
Whats the difference between Saddam's palaces ...1887
Whats the difference between Saddam Hussein ...1883
What Is Politics?2004
What does Saddam and Fred Flintstone have in ...1992
What do Saddam and Miss Muffet have in ...1813
What did the troops say to Bush & Rumsfeld...1901
What Are Politics?2001
We's Huntin' Frenchman1975
We take you now to the Oval Office2156
Washington, Nixon, & Clinton1942
Washington Survey1841
War Pigs2131
Wal-marks the spot2261
Voodoo Enronomics2039
Visitors from Space Meet the LAPD1851
Virgins in Caves1891
Trade Talks1950


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